Coming up on my Go anniversary
The next weekend will mark roughly one year of my having taken Go as serious leisure. I'm working on a touchstone post to celebrate the occasion.
ChiyoChan has a slight cold so I'm doing a shorter blog post. She's been watching DVDs of Princess Nine while resting in bed.
A peek into my corner of the world
VincentV had collected photos of several Go players' study spaces in their homes and you can see the whole gallery on his blog.
One of them is mine. It's easy to recognize since you can see my two gobans from Yellow Mountain Imports. I've recently been using the small one to study hamete from Goama.
I like to think of my spot as The Corner of Deep Contemplation but it was, and still sometimes is, The Corner of Poorly-Played Hawaiian Ukulele Music.
Fuseki Quiz 7/20
attacking two weak groups simultaneously.
Scoring of Last Weekend's Fuseki Quiz 6/20
- A = 8
- B = 6
- C = 10, The way to nullify White's six-stone wall is for Black to first cap at J5. White must answer at L4, after which Black can start to build his own large territory on the left side with D11 (Move A). Black cannot allow White to be the first to play on J5 as it is the ideal way to make use of her wall on the right.
- D = 2
- E = 4
I'm very new to Go, but isn't C a bit greedy? It seems to give White the chance to connect L3 to the lower left group, perhaps by attaching at J4.
Ah, you're asking a beginner too! These problems come from an out-of-print book by Naoki Miyamoto and, out of fairness, there's no-peeking for me until next week.
I think the connection attempt would be problematic and would serve to weaken one of the White groups or keep both in a low position while Black builds influence to the center. My response to a White attachment at J4 would be a Black hane at H4.
A crosscut to H3 would encourage me to atari at K4. If White extends to J5, I would protect the cut at K3; slapping White's L3 stone against an iron pillar.
To me, the gap between White's E4 and L3 stones seems too large so I decided I should just drive a big-rig right in there.
I guess I kinda like B.
C is a strong attack, but if you don't actually kill anything with it (which happens all too often for me!) you'll just end up driving your opponent out to attack you.
B still exerts a fair amount of pressure, and it sets you up to project strength on the left, and maybe even for an invasion in the upper left.
It's a tough one though. I like either move.
B would be good if the white Stone on l3 would be on C (the normal extension for white). But in this situation B would actually be a thank-you move, because it gives White the chance to defend his weakness.
As for attacks: an attack in go is normally not to be meant for actually killing a group (normally this only happens if your opponents makes a mistake). If you can keep your opponents stones weak and he has to defend you often get the chance to take profit somewhere. But the first step is to create weak stones, so C is a good start. It may seem C gets a weak stone, but a weak group between two other weak groups is actually quite persistent.
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